Well hey! It's been over a year since my last post and I'm sure that nobody will read this, but it makes me feel better! :) A lot has happened since I last posted, so here's a really QUICK recap- From August to November in 2011, I had the opportunity to work at Jacob Lake in Arizona. Met wonderful people there and I got to cook the food for the lodge. :) Also, we hiked the Grand Canyon in one day, but that's another story.
On December 25, I started working on my mission papers, and on February 8th, I got my official call! Germany Berlin Mission it said, and I leave for the Provo MTC on June 27th. Needless to say, I'm a bit stoked. :]
I recieved my endowments on March 3rd and since then, going to the temple has been a humongous blessing in my life! The temple... is simply amazing and beautiful. Really. If anyone has the chance to go through the temple, DO IT, because you won't regret it throughout your days. :D
Life is pretty fantastic right now, and I really can't complain about anything. I have a job at Gold's Gym in Ogden, so I get so play with kids all day. :]
I have a loving and supporting family, and a great boyfriend! Yes, shocker, but it's true! His name is Zack Loud and he's quite a cool cat.
Summer is snuggling up and I pretty much love summer! May is (in my opinion) the best month of them all and all the flowers are a bloomin'. Mom and Dad have been flower shopping like crazy and I can't complain because they smell divine!
Hah, I sound a bit scatterbrained, but there's a lot to pack in!
Jess Fox, my best friend, just got home yesterday from a month-long mission to Renasslaer, Indiana. I saw her yesterday and she seemed pretty stoked just talking about it. What an amazing opportunity. Honestly, I was a bit jealous that she got to leave before me, but it was a really good thing, so I don't begrudge her the experiences she had. Ah! Missions are just so fetching awesome! Jess said that she's thinking that she'll start her papers when she is ready. Best friends on missions! Poetic, don't ya think? Jess is a super spiritual gal and I know that she will do great in anything she puts her mind to! Good times, good times. :)
Well, I'm signing off for now, but I'll write again soon!
Auf Wiedersehen! ;)